Summary might be the best, or at leasts one of the best, websites with nude in public content. Especially if you are looking for high quality video of naked girls in VERY public places!

They offer three updates a week with many new photos and videos. Each model has differnt series (shootings) containing lots of photos and long videos. They models go fully naked in major cities in Europe and are surrounded by lots of tourists.

You can get access to all this high quality content for as little as 10 euros per month when signing up the the 12 month membership, which is what we did!

Multiple updates per week Consistent updates Public nudity in the streets of major cities Long videos per series Two new models per month Difficult searching for models Only European cities Review

First impression

When you visit the website you immediately see images of naked girls in VERY public places. You see models naked in busy streets or groups of models naked at events and parties. You also get to see the date of the last update, which is never more than three days ago.

You are able to take a look at the 'updates' page where you will see they update three times a week. Each update contains adds new content to different series (shootings) of different models. You also can see that about two times a month a new model gets added to the website.

You can take a tour (about 5 pages) where you can get a good feel of what to expect. You see high quality images of some models with more information about the model and the shooting (age, location, duration). You also get to watch small clips where you can see models walking naked in public places such as busy streets. Once signed up you get more content of exactely what you experienced during the free tour!


The frontpage of the website contains a lot of text but also many images. The members area of NIP-Activity has the same menu. This means it is easy to navigate to the pages you want to go to. The most visited page will be the one with the updates. Here you see an overview of recent updates.

The websites gets updated with new content three times a week. With every update there is content added to multiple series of different models. This means that for three models there will be new videoclips available with a duration of 2.5 minutes. At the same time, new photos will be added with were taken at the same time as the video.

Every model has her own page with all the different series. Each series contains multiple videos and lots of photos. On this page you can find more information about the model and about the shoot. You can read how it went and when the shoot happened, but also see a map of where the shoot took place.

Via the 'girls' button in the menu you can get an overview of all models, see the models per year or go to the series with a group of models. On the overview page you can filter based on tags (such as location), year or hair color.

Members are able to rate the shootings on different points such as the model, the location or the activity. This way they can make and improve content that better suits the members of NIP-Activity.


Every update comes with lots of photos. Photos can be viewed individually or you can download a ZIP file containing all the photos from that update. A series first is divided into many small updates but once the last content is uploaded, all the small updates combine into one big update. That way you get to download and view all the photos at once.

The photos are of high quality and give a good view of the shoot. You can see the models very well but also see the crowds in and around the models. At this moment images have a resolution of 3000x2000 pixels.


The best content of NIP-Activity are the videos. Every updates shows a clip of the shoot of about 2.5 minutes. Once all the clips of a series are published, the small video's get replaced with a large video of the whole shoot. These might have a length of 5 to 45 minutes.

The full videos give you good impression of the whole shoot. It usually starts with a small interview with the model so you get to know more about her. Then she takes of her dress and starts walking naked. Sometimes the camera is close to the model, other times you get a wide overview of the model while she walks naked. For example you see the people take a look at her while walking naked in the busy street, when other times tourists walk toward the model and ask to take photos together with her.

The videos are available in many resolutions. They start at 480p and go all the way up to 4K for shootings since 2018.

Price and payment

You can get access to all the content for 10 euro's per month when you sign up for a 12 Month membership. But you can also get access for a month (29.95 euro recurring) or 3 months (59.95 euro one time). The yearly membership has the best value!

When you sign up for a membership you can choose between two payment options: CCBill or Epoch. Both offer credit card, direct debit or prepaid cards options, while Epoch also offers Paypal.


Our conclusion about NIP-Activity is that it is a great website with awesome content. Not only do they add new models every month, they also update the websites three times a week so you get lots of new content.

The content is not only of high quality, both the images and videos, but also plenty. Each series has many photos and the videos are long. And not only that, the shootings also take place in VERY public places such as the streets of Prague, Berlin, Vienna and Amsterdam.

All this content is available for only 10 euros per month which is a great price for the amount and quality of this unique nude in public content.

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